Buses & Transportation
We are pleased to announce that we will be offering paid bus ridership for the 23-24 school year.
In working with First Student, our bus company, it has been determined that enough buses will be available this year to offer paid bus ridership. We are pleased to be able to resume providing this service and we sincerely thank all of our families for their patience and understanding over the last few years as the national bus driver shortage has prevented the district from providing paid bus ridership.
As a reminder, the cost to ride the bus is $300 per student each school year. For example, a family with two students riding the bus would pay $600 per year to transport both of their students.
To sign up for paid bus service, you would normally do so at the time you register for the next school year. However, with the registration process already complete, and the district converting to Infinite Campus as its Student Information System, we will manually add paid riders this year.
You can call Linda McKeague in our transportation office at (847) 789-5580 to sign up and have your student(s) routed. You can make payment with your school's building administrative assistant when they return to work on August 7, 2023. If you have students attending Iroquois Community School, you may now make the payment at the Iroquois office.
Only students with the following criteria will be offered free Bus Services:
- Students that live more than 1.5 miles from their home school
- Students who qualify due to an approved safety hazard
- Students who qualify for Special Education Transportation
Traffic Safety and Our Schools
The Des Plaines Police Department has worked with each school and its neighbors to implement a traffic flow plan. The success of this plan depends on the willingness of parents to adhere to signs and follow traffic laws.
As many schools are located in residential areas, morning arrivals and afternoon dismissals bring congestion to our smaller streets. Double parking, sign violations, blocking crosswalks and driveways all impede the flow of traffic and create a dangerous situation for our children.
Suggestions, Comments, and Reporting
The Des Plaines Police Department is dedicated to traffic safety around our schools. During the pick-up and drop-off time traffic sergeants will be monitoring traffic flow until school is dismissed for the summer.
Parents who drive their children to school are asked to obey all traffic regulations. Please contact the Des Plaines Police Department at (847) 391-6129 with suggestions or comments.
For assistance with crossing guards, please contact the Des Plaines Police Department at 847.391.5408.
Transportation FAQ
- What determines if my student is a paid or free rider?
- Who should I call if the bus does not arrive on time?
- What are the hours of operation at Transportation?
- Will my child have the same driver everyday?
- Can the driver stop at my house to pick up my student?
- To whom do I report my address or telephone change?
- I have a question regarding a bus stop or pick up/drop off time. Who should I call?
What determines if my student is a paid or free rider?
Who should I call if the bus does not arrive on time?
What are the hours of operation at Transportation?
Will my child have the same driver everyday?
Can the driver stop at my house to pick up my student?
To whom do I report my address or telephone change?
I have a question regarding a bus stop or pick up/drop off time. Who should I call?
Contact information
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 6:30am-6:00pm