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Staff Resource Center

Below you will find links to employee forms and multiple resources the district has available to its employees. You will also find our internal staff directory, information about evaluations, professional learning, our staff calendars and open enrollment.

Staff Incident / Injury ReporT

Please complete the brief form as the first step to report an injury in District 62. Select your primary site below and complete the form for that location.

Insurance Benefits FAQs: A Guide to Understanding D62 Insurance Coverage




Employee Assistance Plan

What is the ComPsych Guidance Resources Employee Assistance Plan?

The ComPsych® EAP is a confidential service provided by District 62 to help employees with personal difficulties such as emotional problems, substance abuse issues, relationship and family crises, and legal and financial worries-before the problems spill into the workplace.

But the ComPsych® EAP is much more. ComPsych® Guidance Resources EAP gives healthy people support in meeting life's challenges and resolving common concerns that are not necessarily crises. Getting the right help at the right time results in better focus at work, greater productivity, less absenteeism and reduced medical costs.

The Employee Assistance Program addresses the many complexities of life with help for everyday issues such as family/spousal relationships, managing stress, surviving grief and loss, energizing a career and dealing with an illness/trauma.

Please see the ComPsych Member Flier for contact information.


Internal Staff Directory

There are no constituents to display


Staff evaluation

Provide personal support to each staff member to develop the skills and confidence to be innovative, exemplary, and visionary leaders of the district and their profession.

Qualified Evaluators

The evaluation committee in School District 62 has been working since 2006 reviewing and improving its evaluation plan. Over the years the committee has made significant changes and have aligned the plan with Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching (ASCD 2007).

2024-2025 EVALUATORS
Carolyn Allar Taylor Ivan
Michael Amadei Elizabeth Juskiewicz
Colin Baer Benjamin Keele
Jennifer Bautista Kelly Krueger
Christy Bowman Kristan Krupinski
Lisa Buccarielli Carlos Tina Mazzone
Amy Cengel

John Rey

Erica Cupuro Angela Riggio
Ramona DeCristofaro Heidi Rudy
Adam Denenberg Brandon Schaefer
Jill Dzik Amber Soike
Julie Fogarty Bradley Stein
Marc Infante Erica Tae
Kristin Jares Patty Tzortzis
Don Jones Katrina Vaselopulos
Valia Garbis Juliana Vissering


Professional Learning

Overview of Opportunities


Legacy D62 Websites

The District 62 legacy websites are for your reference only. These websites can only be viewed while you're on District 62 networks, i.e., CCSD62, and D62-Wireless. 

Link to Legacy Websites