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Art and the Microscopic World

Art and the Microscopic World

Science is, among other things, about making observations, and from those observations come discoveries. 

AMS Science teachers Ms. Wiemann and Mr. Yamane, along with AMS Art teacher Howard Kanter worked together with 7th grade students to explore art and the microscopic world.

Mr. Kanter explained that discoveries are made through critical observation in science.

The teachers taught the kids to use the camera and editing software on their devices. 

Along with the microscopes and specimens students were asked to bring, they took pictures through the eyepiece of their microscopes and learned to talk about the photos in the context of the seven elements of art.

The students chose their best pictures to upload, and as a class they talked about line, shape, color, texture, space, value and form.

They also discussed the relationship of color as it relates to science and art, as well as form and function. 

The students enjoyed seeing the important relationship between the subjects of art and science. 


  • Algonquin