Storm Science Weather Presentation
Weather scientist Nick Bartholomew stopped by Algonquin Middle School recently to present to 6th grade students about his career as a storm chaser.
Bartholomew, who is from Plainfield, IL became interested in storms when he saw the movie "Twister" and also when his hometown was hit by a tornado in 1990.
He showed the students some animations that demonstrated the strength of different types of tornadoes.
The students also learned about a large yellow metal radar that storm chasers set in the path of a tornado as it hits the ground. The goal is for the tornado to pick the radar up and take it with to measure the activity inside the tornado.
Other topics he touched on included hail and the dangers of lighting, which can strike anywhere at anytime. During the presentation Bartholomew had students participate in a few science experiments.
One experiment included transferring electricity between a metal energy ball and a student's body while the student stood on a plastic step stool.
Other experiments involved the affects of mixing cold water and hot water together, as well as what happens when you mix hot water and liquid nitrogen together.
The presentation's finale had Bartholomew pouring liquid nitrogen into a garbage can, creating a large cloud of smoke that reached the top of the gym!
- Algonquin